Телескоп МН-61 системы Максутова-Ньютона
“Интес-61МН” представляет собой оптическую
трубу системы Максутова-Ньютона с диаметром
объектива 152 мм. Телескоп сконструирован как
инструмент и для визуальных наблюдений и для
получения снимков звездного неба на фотопленках
и ПЗС-матрицах. Небольшое экранирование и
превосходное изготовление оптики, вместе с
некоторыми особенностями в конструкции
позволили добиться необычайно высокого качества
изображения, которое приближается , а порой
превосходит качество многих лучших образцов
ведущих изготовителей телескопов в мире.
В кострукции МН-61 применено 2-дюймовое фокусировочное устройство нового типа, по мнению некоторых специалистом, лучшее в мире в своем классе.
Телескоп поставляется в мягком кофре, защищающем его от повреждений и вмещающем в себя все необходимые аксессуары. Габариты: длина - 1100 мм, ширина - 170 мм, высота - 345 мм.
В базовый комплек телескопа входит: оптическая труба, искатель 10х50, 2-х дюймовое фокусировочное устройство, четыре передних и задних защитных крышки. Дополнительные насадки: искатель 50 мм; звездные и солнечные диагонали 2” и 1,25”; линза Барлоу; телекомпрессоры; окуляры.
Ниже для сравнения оставлено описание на английском и комплектация иностранного дистрибьютора завода.
The MN 61 MAKSUTOV-NEWTONIAN (MAK-NEWT) is the latest production design from INTES of Moscow, Russia. The revolutionary design combines the best features of the Newtonian (simplicity of the optics) with the Maksutov (highly corrected optics) in strikingly affordable package. Because of the closed tube design (it has a full-aperature meniscus corrector lens characteristic of the Mak and the lack of any secondary support spiders, only 19.7% (by diameter) of the aperture is blocked by a central obstruction. This combined with the extremly high quality of the multicoated and enhanced optics (strehl better than 96% for the whole system) results in very high contrast, bright images similar to those expected in a very good 130 mm Fluorite Apochromatic Refractor. Many amateur astronomers are already familiar with this telescope design from the famous optician in Canada, Peter Ceravolo, with his HD 145 (145mm f/6 Maksutov-Newtonian).
Now INTES has taken the design a step further. This is a true "diffraction limited" optic that will outperform many larger aperature telescopes on the planets, double stars, galaxies and nebulas. The OTA is made of aluminum with a screw-on dew shield and a floating cell for the primary mirror. Focusing is afforded by a very smooth 2" Crayford focuser. The package also includes a nice set of tube-rings an 10*50 Finder(straight) with quick-relay-bracket and a mounting plate. The field of view with a 35 mm Tele Vue Panoptic eyepiece is about 3 degrees, so that objects like the North American Nebula are fully visible. The fast f/6 focal ratio of the INTES MN 61 also makes it an excellent astrograph for CCD imaging (here you need an additional sold low profilfocuser ). We have found that no other telescope can show as much planetary detail per inch of aperture as this fine instrument. The INTES MN 61 was recently tested side-by-side against a 130 mm Fluorite APO and an 150 mm Fluorite APO Refractor on the planet Jupiter. The INTES MN 61 easily outperformed the 130mm APO Refractor and showed nearly the same planetary details as the high end 150mm Fluorite APO Refractor. This optic also provides stunning views of deep space objects, including some of the more difficult faint or diffuse nebulas. For example, under dark skies using a 35mm Tele Vue Panoptic and a 2-inch Lumicon H-Beta Line Filter, one will be able to visually observe the Horsehead Nebula in Orion with this scope.
96% dielectric coating on both mirrors, interferometrical testreport
Technical Specification | Value |
Clear Aperature | 6" (152 mm) |
Focal length | 900 mm |
Focal Ratio | f/6 |
Diameter of Secondary | 30 mm |
Central Obstruction | 19.7% |
Tube length incl. Dewcap | 1.100 mm |
Tube Diameter | 178 mm |
Tube Weight | 9.5 kg |
Tube Material | Aluminum |
OTA Color | Grey-white |
Finder with quick-relay-bracket | 10x50mm |
Focuser | 2" Crayford |
Primary and Secondary Mirrors | dielectric coating |
Meniscus Lens | First Class BK-7, Multi-coated |
Optical Quality | > 96% Strehlratio |
Other features | Other features: Adjustable secondary and primary cell |
Opt. Tube with 10*50 Finder, 2" Focuser, Pair of Tuberings, Mountplate, Cartonpacking